About Øresunddirekt
Øresunddirekt is an information service that conveys public information from the authorities to the inhabitants and the business community in the Öresund region. Øresunddirekt consists of two sections - an information centre in Malmö and a web team/communications department in Copenhagen.
Øresunddirekt's Information centre is located right next to the Centralstationen train station, at Hjälmaregatan 3 in Malmö. The Information centre is open from Monday to Friday and citizens do not need to make an appointment to speak with the staff from the authorities represented there: Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), Länsstyrelsen Skåne (County Administrative Board of Skåne), Region Skåne and Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency).
Malin Dahl is the acting site manager and is employed by Länsstyrelsen Skåne and Region Skåne. Get in touch with Malin by email malin.dahl@lansstyrelsen.se or by phone +46 (0) 40 17 64 00.
Among other things, staff can help with issues relating to looking for a job in the Öresund region, Danish apprenticeships, tax rules, social insurance when you commute between Sweden and Denmark, etc. The information centre annually serves over 20,000 visitors through direct customer contact, mail and telephone.
We also:
- organise free information meetings: working in Denmark, Danish apprenticeships and working in Sweden
- Business advice (appointments with business advisors)
- Tailored information meetings for companies before recruitment or establishment on the other side of the strait
You can find opening hours, a map and more information here.
How Øresunddirekt Sweden is financed
The Øresunddirekt Sweden is financed by the Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency), Länsstyrelsen Skåne (County Administrative Board of Skåne), Region Skåne and Nordiska Ministerrådet (Nordic Council of Ministers).
The editorial staff are located on Nørregade 7 B in Copenhagen, Danmark and there are three employees. The editorial staff's primary task is to develop and ensure that the information on the websites is accurate and up to date. Therefore we work in partnership with the authorities in both Sweden and Denmark, who continuously update us on new laws and regulations in both countries.
Øresunddirekt Denmark owns and operates the following portals:
- oresunddirekt.se – website in Swedish for Swedish citizens looking for a job in Denmark, starting to work in Denmark, who have or are going to move across the straits or who wish to study in Denmark.
- oresunddirekt.dk – website in Danish for Danish citizens who are looking for a job in Sweden, have started a job in Sweden, have or are going to move to Sweden, and for those wishing to study in Sweden.
- oresunddirektbusiness.se – website in Swedish for companies – about Danish conditions
- oresunddirektbusiness.dk – website in Danish for companies – about Swedish conditions
We are also responsible for:
- producing Øresunddirekt's printed materials such as various brochures
- marketing initiatives
- user and commuter surveys
- special projects - social insurance tests, tax calculation and partnerships with Jobindex.dk and Jobbsafari.se: displaying vacant posts on Zealand and Skåne
How Øresunddirekt Denmark is financed
The editorial team in Copenhagen is financed by Skattestyrelsen, Nordiska Ministerrådet (Nordic Council of Ministers), Region Skåne, municipality of Copenhagen, and the municipality of Tårnby.
Øresunddirekt Sweden and Øresunddirekt Denmark work in close partnership. We edit texts from the authorities which are published on the websites and we cooperate on larger projects:
- Participation in the recruitment and career fairs in Sweden and Denmark
- Collaboration with the Swedish and Danish authorities as well as Eures
- Barriers to freedom of movement on a regional, national and Nordic level
- Collaboration on projects relating to skills development and specific issues
Have you as an individual or as a business experienced problems working or doing business between Sweden and Denmark? Then it might be defined as a border issue.
Report your border issue through the digital tool "Your border issue", where you can propose a solution and follow the further process.