CPR number - Danish personal tax and ID number

Last updated 2/27/2024
How to apply for a CPR number depends on your situation. There are different application procedures depending on if you plan to live in Denmark, or if you plan to commute to your job in Denmark.

The CPR number is a personal registration number that you use in your contact with Danish authorities. It is also often used when you register with private companies. There are several rules regarding the registration of the Danish citizens in the CPR register.

More information at the CPR website



CPR number application when planning to commute to Denmark

When you have received your employment contract from your Danish employer, you should get a CPR number, a “forskudsopgørelse”, which is an estimate of your future income, and an “eSkattekort”, which shows how much of your salary that is free of taxes.

To get these, you should visit the webpage skat.dk and use the online application. If you have trouble doing this, you could also download the form, fill it in, and send it online via skat.dk or by mail (you find the addresses in the form). Remember to attach the required documents.

Read more about CPR application at Skat.dk



Documentation requirements

(please note that Skattestyrelsen could require more documents, depending on your situation)

  • Your signed employment contract

  • Your passport or national ID (both front and back of card)

  • If you reside in Sweden: a copy of either your passport or your national ID card + civil registration certificate

  • Your marriage certificate (if you are married). Individuals residing in Sweden must attach a family certificate. This can be collected at the Swedish Tax Authority´s website. You can also contact Skatteverket in order to get the certificate by mail.  

  • If you are a citizen outside the EU/EEA: your Danish work permit


Read more about the marriage certificate at skatteverket.se



Waiting time

Skattestyrelsen cannot generate your CPR number until 21 days before your first working day at the earliest. You are not allowed to apply until 60 days before your first work day. Your Danish personal tax number and your “forskudsopgørelse” will be sent to you by mail, normally within a few weeks.


To apply for a CPR number if you move to Copenhagen

If you are moving to Copenhagen, you should first visit International House Copenhagen’s webbpage to apply online for a CPR number. You fill in the application online and then you get an appointment to visit International Citizen Service at the International House to pick up your CPR number in person.


International House Copenhagen's website

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